Why crash-test new vehicle?
To protect customer before it’s too late. The internet is even more dangerous than a highway. Protecting you, family, your website or system is protecting your business, private life and reputation.
Let’s discuss about protecting yourself in Internet and how important it is in this article.
Protecting yourself and your family
All work and no play make for a very dull Jane. We all like to spend time at home, with our family, maybe you like to do some online shopping, maybe you want to stream a movie on the internet, it’s really important to take time for yourself, but when you do, let’s make sure you’re secure. Whether you set up your network router or your local internet service provider did it for you, those routers often have a default password, if they have a password at all.
First thing you can do, and this is really important, change the password on your router. In addition to making sure your router’s default password has been changed, you’ll want to make sure that your wireless network is secure as well. First, I wouldn’t suggest you use your name as your wireless network, and second, make sure that that wireless network is secured with a password, that way, if any bad actors drive by, they’re not getting into your network, although they may get into your neighbors.
Speaking of passwords, might I suggest you take a minute to go up to the search bar in Google, search for how to create secure passwords. There’s some really good content there that’ll help navigate you along. Another great tool available to you, is called Two-Factor Authentication, or also Multi-Factor Authentication. A lot of your banks and social media websites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Google, are allowing you to set up, not only what you know, which is your password, but also what you have, which would be your phone. Hold on! Do you know 2FA is my university project in 2010 based on IEEE paper published in 2009 International Conference of Emerging Technologies? If no, visit my LinkedIn profile here to read about it more in Education.
Taking the time to set this up, doubles your security. This may seem obvious, but it’s really important to make sure you check for updates to your computer. You use your computer everyday and most vendors will send out patches every month or two. Make sure you have the most up-to-date version, so those bad actors can’t use a vulnerability that hasn’t been patched on yours yet. For those of you who have younger ones in your family, it’s really important to take the time to set up web filtering, that makes sure that your young ones don’t get to those unsafe sites, unintentionally. With these tips, you can make sure that you have the peace of mind that both you and your family are safe during that time.