Security Matters (to everyone)

Talking about naive and novice using public wifi.

Why is security so important?

Today we use the Internet all the time from the time we wake up in the morning, and we check the weather on our phones to when we go to bed at night, and we ask Alexa to turn off our lights. Today there are 5.2 billion Google searches per day, and over 22 billion text messages across the globe between people every single day. That’s a lot of data. To give you a frame of reference 90 percent of the content on the Internet has been created in just the past two years. – Hmm? – You think about the world’s population there’s 7 billion of us. Did you know that 3.8 billion of those people are Internet users today? That’s over half of the world’s population. So why is security important?

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Let your dreams take flight

Talking with non-security people.

Maybe you’re an information security expert. Maybe you just know a few technical things but everybody calls you for advice. My suggestion on how to talk to non-technical people, this sounds trite, but keep it simple. Non-technical people are really smart. They’re just not used to the technical terminology that you’re used to in your day-to-day world.

I have four things I want to talk to you about today, when you’re talking to non-technical people.

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